Is my period normal? Breaking down your menstrual cycle with a women's health naturopath

Self sovereignty of your hormonal health begins with learning what is normal in your own body. I'm a huge advocate for menstrual cycle awareness and tracking, as it helps us to tune in to what our baseline is, and eases us into a gentle awareness of where we can begin to support ourselves.

You've been tracking your cycles for a few months, have some data points, but have no idea if what you're experiencing is . . . okay? healthy? normal? If not, what should you be doing about it?


A perfect 28 day menstrual cycle is honestly a bit of a misconception. More commonly, the amount of time that you should spend from the beginning of one period to the beginning of the next, is 21-35 days. This can fluctuate by a few days every cycle, which is normal. Anything more or less than that, indicates that you may have an underlying concern that is impacting ovulation, and further assessment may be indicated.


Your bleeding phase should be between 2-7 days in length, and you don’t want to lose more than 80 mL of menstrual fluid over all the days combined. If a regular tampon holds 5 mL when fully saturated, this looks like 16 full tampons over the course of your full cycle - anything more than that is considered "heavy menstrual bleeding"


Normal amounts of period pain occur during the first day or two of bleeding, and is mild enough that it does not interfere with school, work, or other daily activities. Standard period pain can easily be relieved by an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory support (or naturopathic support!)

Severe period pain is a concern when it extends later into your bleeding phase, or starts to show up around ovulation and the PMS phase as well. It does not respond to standard painkillers as well, and can be a sign of an underlying medical problem such as endometriosis. Please work with a healthcare practitioner if this is the case for you.


As for the pre-menstrual phase - symptoms in this phase are common, but not an inevitability. Some shifts in energy, mood, and hunger are all part of the hormonal transition in this phase, but if you're finding your PMS is impacting your quality of life, know that you have options for support.


About Dr. Jennah Miller ND - Your Hormonal Health Ally

Welcome to the world of holistic healing, where your menstrual and hormonal health takes center stage! I’m Dr. Jennah Miller, ND, your dedicated Toronto + Halifax based naturopathic doctor, and I’m on a mission to make your well-being the star of the show.

Feminist Healthcare Advocate: I’m proud to champion feminist healthcare principles. Your health choices are yours, and I’m here to empower you every step of the way. Let’s challenge norms, break barriers, and embrace a healthcare journey that respects your unique body and your choices.

Hormonal Health Naturopath: From PMS to PCOS and everything in between, I’m your go-to guide for hormonal harmony. Let’s unravel the mysteries of your hormones and create a roadmap to balance and vitality.

Science and Nature Unite: I bring you the perfect marriage of modern science and evidence backed natural healing. It’s a blend designed to promote your best health.

Ready to take the reins on your health story? Let’s rewrite the narrative together. Book your consultation now and experience the support of a naturopathic and feminist centered healthcare model for yourself!

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