Eve Kit Guest Blog Post - Naturopathic Medicine and Women's Health

Empowering Women Through Individualized Healthcare

Women's cervical and pelvic health is a topic near and dear to my heart. As someone who's seen numerous patients navigate the scary and sometimes confusing event of getting their first abnormal PAP test results, I'm thrilled to be connected with an amazing Toronto based business who understands the importance of individualized, patient centred care.

Eve Medical is the business behind the creation of the Eve Kit. This product, allows individuals to assess for HPV DNA status from the comfort of their own home (or naturopathic doctor's office). For those who have abnormal cells on their most recent PAP test, the Eve Kit allows for you to test for the presence of high risks strains of HPV - an important indicator as to whether you are at high or low risk for progression to cervical cancer. This can help to guide future treatment options, and whether naturopathic or conventional treatment is the best option for you. 


PAP tests can be scary, intimidating, and downright uncomfortable, but we all know how important they are for assessing the health of our cervix on a regular basis. Screening guidelines indicate that PAP tests should be administered once every three years for all sexually active women, starting at age 21. HPV DNA testing is a nice addition to this, and can be an amazing way to become more empowered about your own health status. 

For more information about naturopathic medicine, how to navigate your abnormal PAP tests, and the Eve Kit, check out my guest blog post over on the Eve Kit blog!

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